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Track entering direction

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Does anyone know how to detect if a train enters a track from the left end or from the right end of the track? 

And is there a way to work with the program offline and have access to the whole library? I use it on my laptop and bring him sometimes along to the house of my pensioned mother. She has no internet and i want to use it there. 


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I can answer your 1st question:


Consider the picture above. Specify an event which occurs when the train enters the "ENTER" track (Event definition on the left side of the picture). Add a condition which tests whether the train entering the ENTER track also stays on the neighbour track CHECK at this moment (Condition definiton on the right side of the picture). If this contition is true, the train is coming from that direction, where the CHECK track is located (in the picture above from left). Otherwise, the train is coming from the opposite direction (in the picture above from right).

Many greetings

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