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Car parks, Parking lots and Parking Garages // Parkplätze und Parkhäuser

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In version 7 there are eight different car parks, not including the "on-street parking" in the City Streets.

In Version 7 gibt es acht verschiedene Parkhäuser, das "On-Street Parking" in den City Streets nicht mitgerechnet.


Only one of them actually works, and that is the rotating car-park, which actually works as a road junction. All the rest are decorative only (again, not counting the City Streets parking bays).

Nur einer von ihnen funktioniert tatsächlich, und das ist der rotierende Parkplatz, der tatsächlich als Straßenkreuzung fungiert. Der Rest ist nur dekorativ (wieder die Parkbuchten der City Streets nicht mitgezählt).

It is possible to create a working car park using the City Streets parking bays, but it's a bit cumbersome.

Es ist möglich, einen funktionierenden Parkplatz mit den Parkbuchten der City Streets zu schaffen, aber es ist ein bisschen umständlich.


I'm wondering whether it would be possible to add routes and junctions to one or more of those pre-made car parks (especially the multi-story)? Of course it is possible with the virtual track, but to be honest I found this to be even more clunky than using the city streets.

Ich frage mich, ob es möglich wäre, einem oder mehreren dieser vorgefertigten Parkplätze (insbesondere dem mehrstöckigen) Routen und Kreuzungen hinzuzufügen? Natürlich ist es mit der virtuellen Strecke möglich, aber ehrlich gesagt fand ich das noch klobiger, als die Straßen der Stadt zu benutzen.



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Hello @simonjackson1964 , did you ever look at prinz solution for this one. F3ECBD41-EE9D-4622-88CE-533E8FE93F0E. ( layout )
Of course it should be nice if some of the parking places are working models.   

Hallo @simonjackson1964 , haben Sie sich jemals die Lösung von prinz für dieses Problem angesehen. F3ECBD41-EE9D-4622-88CE-533E8FE93F0E. ( Layout )
Natürlich wäre es schön, wenn einige der Parkplätze funktionierende Modelle wären.   

Kind regards, grüße Herman


Bearbeitet von Herman
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Thanks, Herman, that's really cool.  One issue though, is that it doesn't work with automatic acceleration, so if you have a line of cars all waiting to go in, the first one buys the ticket and the rest all crash the gate. It needs a bit of tweaking. Unfortunately I don't speak German so I can't read the conditions and actions. I did find the delay on the gate close, but that didn't have the desired effect: The gate closed faster, yes, but the following cars still drove through without stopping.

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Hello @simonjackson1964 ,

yes, you are right, there is no protection against multiple car drive in. In the layout description (at least in german :/) is an advice, not to lead cars into the car park if one is waiting at the entrance. Please check if there is a car on contact "Stop PH Einfahrt". In this case no other car should use the entrance. So you may build the line of cars outside the car park and let the next car in, when contact "Stop PH Einfahrt" is free.

Hope this will help.

Best regards, Wolfgang


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The car park doesn't seem to want to hold more than 33 cars. Is this because you only built 33 active parking spaces, or is there a table that could be increased in size?

[edit to add]

I've had a look at the components of the garage itself, and I have answered the question. Honestly, I can't I blame you for stopping where you did.  It would be a long and tedious project to add the rest of the spaces!

Maybe something to be worked on when one has the time and inclination, adding a few at a time. I might have a go at it, one weekend when I'm bored! Then again I might not...



Bearbeitet von simonjackson1964
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I also noticed a typo: The event to release a car to leave is triggered by the expiry of "Abfahrttimer" with two "t"s, but the variable holding the timer name holds "Abfahrtimer" with only one "t".

I was wondering why there were two timers both set to zero and not doing anything, and why the cars never seemed to leave. Played with both and figured out what was going on. Easy enough fix to add a t into the name in the variable.



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Hello @simonjackson1964 ,
As you see: german is a difficult language, even for germans ;) . So the timer problem is solved.

About the available parking places inside: Keulesbahn had placed the tracks inside the car park (i only added the events). I think, the places are sufficiant to have a little bit traffic inside. Normally i place some cars fix in that places, which can't be occupied dynamicly. So the car park gets never empty B| .

But if you like you may expand it.

Cheers, Wolfgang

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