ern45 Geschrieben 28. Juli 2024 Geschrieben 28. Juli 2024 Since V8.5 came out I was hesitant to try it. Mainly due to a few negative comments I had read in the Forum a while ago and, having had a look at the improvements one can get with the update (now I realize I did not fully grasp what these improvements meant!). However, a few days ago (with the help and advice of Goetz) I "risked" downloading the free trial of V8.5 - after Goetz assured me my V7 version will not be overridden. I really enjoyed my V7 MBS and did not want to lose it - as I can remember joining MBS at level V6 and once I installed V7 it automatically had overwritten my V6 program. I was blown away by the V8.5 trial version! The result? After only 24 hours I got the professional version and since then it has been a one-way building frenzy! Since my database (once again with the help of Goetz!) was transferred and I had access to all my layouts (and 3D models) in V8.5! Yes, the menu setup etc. has changed a bit (one of the complaints I read when V8 came out) but if you are an experienced user of MBS and had made the effort to learn and discover new functions (even in V7), then V8.5. is even better. In conclusion? Last night I realized that my V7 version is just taking up space on my computer and deleted it. I am now on a new journey of discovering what V8.5. has for me - and man...what a journey so far! Thank you once again to Goetz and all the other people who make MBS such an enjoyable experience! Kind regards from South Africa! Ern45
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