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Alle erstellten Inhalte von wolfgang.kuechle

  1. Concerning the images: In the root folder of your Rocrail installation you find a folder "images". By default Rocrail searches for images in this folder. So once you unzip the images for the demo you can copy them into this folder and the images will appear. In my case I had to rename the image files for EL2 and VL1 to E-Lok (gruen).png and Diesellok (rot).png) respectively. Concerning running the demo: You do not have to set any ip or local host. Just start Rocrail, 3D-Modellbahn-Studio and the plugin RocStudio. It is advisable to reduce the speed of the locomotives in Rocrail before starting them, otherwise you may get collisions by trains sliding beyond the signals. I set V_min to 30, V_medium and V_cruise to half of V_max. V_max I left on 300 for the ICE and set it to 200 for EL2 and VL1. Optionally you may enable BBT for the locomotives and the blocks for an even smoother behaviour. Now you can safely start your locomotives. Hope this helps!
  2. Hat auch mir sehr geholfen, vielen Dank!
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