trevor Geschrieben 3. Oktober 2016 Geschrieben 3. Oktober 2016 Neo can u put together a better cheat sheet that explains the naming conventions with brackets and $s. I keep finding I'm lost for when to use what. The help page is a bit slim on examples and $ usage seems to vary depending on the function in question. Also, it would be really helpful if you could expand the bracket functionality to be nested..... e.g. $((Var1).(Var2)).Property OR even better $((Var1).State_(Var2)) So we can have something like Var1 = Locomotive Name Var2 = Index to a list of variables whose name starts with "State_" example in the second suggestion. Var1 = BR_50-1 Var2 = 2 Would point at $BR_50-1.State_2
trevor Geschrieben 4. Oktober 2016 Autor Geschrieben 4. Oktober 2016 NOTE: Implementing the latter would also provide us with a crude, but much needed method to implement arrays of variables.
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