a-ch.mezger Geschrieben 10. Januar 2020 Geschrieben 10. Januar 2020 Hello, I am using rocstudio with rocrail and 3d-modelstudio. I works fine, however I encounter a problem with the decoupler 24997. I tried to switch it from on position to another through rocrail, but I did not succeed.. Is this not supported ? (should however work like a switch) or do I have to do Something special? I need this function deperately in order to be able to have shunting working. best regards Anton
a-ch.mezger Geschrieben 10. Januar 2020 Autor Geschrieben 10. Januar 2020 Eureka, It works now. instead of using the decoupler in rocrail, I have chosen a switch and changed its appearance to decoupler. this way it works.
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