hmclay Geschrieben 26. Januar Geschrieben 26. Januar If it's possible I could use a shorter virtual track for people movement. Situation ... people climbing stairs .... ??? Ran across a layout using a combo of portals and virtual tracks to "climb" stairs. A very clever idea ! The problem I ran across is the smallest virtual track I can have is longer than most steps used in objects. So people must climb two or more steps at a time. Other situations I have had, related with moving people, a shorter track would have been desirable. A rare application I realize ... if it's possible, and not a pain !
hmclay Geschrieben 31. Januar Autor Geschrieben 31. Januar Thank You @Phrontistes .... I thought I tried that and could only reduce it to 5.48 in length. Then I though that was it's minimum. After reading your post, I went back and edited the "track" and it worked. Now I'm questioning my mental state !!!!!
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