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Alle erstellten Inhalte von nikfincher

  1. Hi Henry, negligible difference. still get misaligned tracks and trains returning on the worse ones. i think the switches also need changing, not just the crossings. nik
  2. Hi Henry, Is there still a problem? Or another one? Are we still 'on' for the revised crossings/turnouts? Sorry if this is a 'nag' Nik
  3. i think there is something wrong with this the wheels dont touch the track when u pass in another cab. btw a lovely model otherwise. my favourite so far.
  4. I would like to add crewmen to locomotives. A partiular issue with steam locomotives. Odd seeing them proceed unmanned. I have tried... ---Pausing. ---Placing 2 people models in the cab at correct height. ---Merging into a fixed group. ---Unpausing. But the train zooms off leaving the 2 people immobile 20mm above the track. Nik
  5. I am assuming this means it can be done. Hooray and thanks for all the hard work all of you have put in. You will probably find it useful for when you do Bachman also. And maybe review Peco again. I am less certain about that. But all 3 are supposed to be inter-operable. ( and are often used in conjunction in the UK as far as I know). I am less concerned about these because I shall work exclusively in Hornby. But I suspect many of your future customers will be. Thx again! Nik
  6. can the problem be addressed by having 2 versions? either of affected pieces only, or the whole set? Nik
  7. yes that is what i would like! :-)
  8. yuk dont like that at all. having to use flex track where standard should work. and two different lengths. i thought giving you the exact standard length would cure this. 6 and 5/8 = 6.625 inches = 168.275mm
  9. Hi Henry & Vermanus, Are the switches and crossings being fixed? Below is another demo of problem. 2 switches and 1 crossing stop trains passing at end of quadruple run of straight. 2 other things. a. on this picture you will see it says update failed, click here. when i do so it takes me to the download page forif you newly get the software. Is this correct? my computer tells me I have already downloaded. b. Can I request the Hornby track R636 double level crossing. even if only displaying track. The reason is that this piece is very useful for setting the 'correct' width, 67mm, between straights. to match up with the correct width, 67mm. between different radius curves. Thx Nik
  10. thx quackster. i dont understand german but this has given me some clues where to look.
  11. this page gives the standard length as 6 and 5/8 inches. which is 168.275mm http://www.anticsonline.co.uk/1999_1_106717291.html
  12. ditto for this. https://jonscaife.com/model-rail/track-geometries-for-00-gauge-hornby-setrack/ nik
  13. have you looked at this and does it help? http://www.hornby.com/media/pdf/Track-Geometry-PDF.pdf
  14. I am pretty certain that the terms 'quarter', 'double' are 'notional'. The exact lengths are 38, 168, 335, 670. I live in Indonesia with no access to the actual track. So I shall do a web search to see if I can find out more. Nik
  15. thanks Vermanus. Does that mean we cannot have 'fitting together' Hornby track?
  16. I am reaally puzzled. the problem seems to be with the non-168mm parts of switches and crossings. but it seems sometimes they fit, sometimes too short, sometimes too long. hope you are able to resolve.
  17. Hi Henry, see this link for details and detailed pics of hornby track note that the straights are merely lip-service to quarter, standard etc. measurements are different. 38,168, 335, 670 http://www.newmodellersshop.co.uk/Model Railway/Track.htm R610 Quarter straight (38mm) 38 R600 Standard Straight (168mm) 168 R601 Double Straight (335mm) 335 R603 Long Straight (670mm) 670 Hope this helps. the pics should help for crossings and switches.
  18. thanks Henry and Vermanus. i dont speak German so dont know what was said. i tried the diagram for crossings not swiches. and it does not seem to work. below is a segment of what i am trying to do. in AnyRail. note circles indicating a successful join.
  19. thx. I can make the layout no problem in both AnyRail and SCARM. Do you want me to send you a diagram?
  20. There seems to be a big problem with the crossings R614 and R615. And a smaller problem with the switches R612 & R613 (and/or R8072 and R8073. Havent figured the difference between these pairs) I have laid out a large quadrangular layout (40xR600 per side. And four-tracks abreast.) When the 4 tracks are connected just by switches, there are some slightly offset joins. But trains can pass over them. When the 4 tracks are connected by crossings and switches, trains cannot pass the offset joins.
  21. In SCARM's list of Hornby track there is a straight labelled X918 and length 82.4mm. I dont know if this is official Hornby or not. It is very useful.
  22. thanks Henry, very much appreciated. Dont understand comment about Neo and catalogue. Guess I shall find out. :-)
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