Henry Geschrieben 23. April 2015 Geschrieben 23. April 2015 Atlas H0 code 83Hi,I've put the finished track system Atlas H0 code 83 online. I have no official layouts to check my modeling. I suspect that it must be possible to enable a precise transition between all radii in the correct track distance with the available tracks. I have tried to adapt the turnouts to the prefabricated tracks.This is an example of how switches and rails in a grid of 36 inches can be combined in proper parallel track distances.For errors I ask for feedback.Regards,Henry
Henry Geschrieben 19. Mai 2015 Autor Geschrieben 19. Mai 2015 ATLAS HO True-Track® Code 83Hello,I've put the ATLAS HO True-Track® Code 83 tracks online. Please, help me in the correction of the dimensions if a track is wrong.This is an example of how switches and rails in a grid of 36 inches can be combined in proper parallel track distances.Regards,Henry
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