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We have plug-in commands to tell us the XYZ location and size of objects, however we are missing a command to tell us the XYZ offset relationship between the location origin to the size data.

I was going to write some code to auto set the height of things to the profile map (especially all my trees.....), but without knowing where each objects origin is, I can't do that.

I am sure there are other uses too.




Hi trevor,

  Am 12.12.2016 um 19:37 schrieb trevor:

a command to pull the contour maps would be helpful too


... there is a undocumented command 132

It is like an echolot and returns the coordinates (surface) and the name of the hit object...
(... if you got problems with translation... feel free to ask...)
... i used it to place objects on the contour of "Bodenplatte" in my plugin "Landschaftsgestaltung"



  Am 12.12.2016 um 20:37 schrieb EASY:

Hi trevor,

... there is a undocumented command 132

It is like an echolot and returns the coordinates (surface) and the name of the hit object...
(... if you got problems with translation... feel free to ask...)
... i used it to place objects on the contour of "Bodenplatte" in my plugin "Landschaftsgestaltung"




Hmm  interesting.... I'd still need the offset thing though to know where I am starting from....

Though looking at it again... maybe I could do it in two steps... Shoot a beam down to find the surface, then shoot one back up from that point to find the bottom of the initial object?

Good to know though.... I had an idea for a free fly helicopter plug-in but could not figure out how to avoid going below deck... this command would facilitate that :) 


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Also.. any idea how that responds if Z is already less than the contour level? I'm guessing you need to ask for both -1 and +1 if the first one fails...


Bearbeitet von trevor

Hi trevor,

  Am 12.12.2016 um 20:53 schrieb trevor:

Also.. any idea how that responds if Z is already less than the contour level? I'm guessing you need to ask for both -1 and +1 if the first one fails...


Note: if "Bodenplatte" got a thikness and you send the "ping" within this thikness z=-1 and z=+1 both will get a result... 

... i take the z position of "Bodenplatte" + size (in z) of "Bodenplatte" = the highest point + an offset (i.e. 500 ->  more then highest objekt)...
... so i can always send z=-1...


  Am 13.12.2016 um 08:53 schrieb EASY:

Hi trevor,

Note: if "Bodenplatte" got a thikness and you send the "ping" within this thikness z=-1 and z=+1 both will get a result... 

... i take the z position of "Bodenplatte" + size (in z) of "Bodenplatte" = the highest point + an offset (i.e. 500 ->  more then highest objekt)...
... so i can always send z=-1...



ah cool.... I hope u modified that plug in since NEO made the "Bodenplatte" name editable


Hi trevor,

  Am 13.12.2016 um 11:42 schrieb trevor:

I hope u modified that plug in since NEO made the "Bodenplatte" name editable


...... i think the name "Bodenplatte" could always be edited :/...

... i'm looking for typ "Bodenplatte" ... if there is more then one;)... (...and will be  renamed to make name unique..)


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