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There are only two steam locomotives (4-4-0 and Class 4000) so I think it would be nicer having some Rio Grande (D&RGW) locomotives and a few cars to go with. I don't really have any in specific except maybe the class 4-8-4 and k-37, but there are a lot you can find on the internet to base off of. 
Thank you if anyone can do this. 

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Fox, have a look if this is what you had in mind.

It still under refining construction; some colors, animation on the end sills and small text needs to be added on the sides



Bearbeitet von hubert.visschedijk
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

In the catolog, copy the ID number here;

I just updated a little putting D&RGW a bit higher in the texture, so the roadnumbers.

But its still a primery design, the white of the letters is perhaps to white... ill try eggshell greyish or so. To look a little more dirty.




Bearbeitet von hubert.visschedijk
31 minutes ago, hubert.visschedijk said:


5 minutes ago, hubert.visschedijk said:

In the catolog, copy the ID number here;

I just updated a little putting D&RGW a bit higher in the texture, so the roadnumbers.

But its still a primery design, the white of the letters is perhaps to white... ill try eggshell greyish or so. To look a little more dirty.




Okay, thanks

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

It already looks done, and very good. I like the interior and openable doors. Looking at it, it really just needs some work with the text on it (slight positioning and color which I think you already stated).

Bearbeitet von YesFox

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