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This is for beginners only (*). If they want to use the diversion from the catalog. Diversion id 75369FAE-01DD-4D26-B754-8C47833AE3FD
In V6 this diversion has routes and switch positions included. You can see them, (even alter them) via EDIT. So no need to make them still with virtual tracks.
For myself I made this demo - only to see the effect of changing the switch positions.   Maybe others have something on this demo too ?


The working demo D17 Routes and switch position in a diversion V6 v01.mbp

Greetings, Herman
(*) Of course extra info/comments from experts are always welcome.


Hello Members, 

I want to come back to this topic. It's not just showing this basic demo, I also wanted to invoke some comments.  But no fish on the hook. (not yet) ;)
More explicitly: A visualization of routes in streets could help a lot.    (maybe ask @Neo for a future development, or do I miss something ? )

When using EDIT with tracks (here a track switch) you can see the route. Even if it is a virtual track switch, you can see the route.
So it is possible to define routes and even switch positions for that routes. ( As I did in the virtual Marklin example, I started with a straight virtual track )

But with streets ? Look at the impression of a crossing and possible routes. (the actual routes in the crossing are straight, but you can change them if you want).


But you have to analyze the angle and position to find out where is which route...

Kind regards, 


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