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Hi guys,


Is there any way to read any knob's/regulator's value (the percentage shown as "Properties", as numeric it will be presumably as -1..1) - could be with a script. I have tried with eg.:


but it's Nil. I'm afraid it's not exposed as object's property within the API, but maybe there is some trick?



Hi @piatek.piotr

vor 49 Minuten schrieb piatek.piotr:

but it's Nil

First, the sub table "variables" only holds the object variables that you add to an object and never any of its properties.

Second, the position of such controller cannot (to my knowledge!) be accessed via the EV.




OK, that's what I was afraid of (I have tried with the "variables" simply because I couldnt find anything else). Is there any other 3d model exposing continous numerical property/value?

vor 6 Stunden schrieb piatek.piotr:

Is there any other 3d model exposing continous numerical property/value?

The first that comes to mind is a motorised vehicle.
You can read the speed

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