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Hello JEF GORIS , hello other members that are interested.

This "To do document and excercises" is for total beginners that want to use Keywords. However you should have some experience with the graphical event management. (EV)

Keyword - List part 2A.pdf  ( pdf in Dutch / English ).
In part A ( here ) we will handle "For objects referencing a Keyword" , this  remind us of the excercises with lists. 
But this pdf. handles the less interesting part of Keywords. In the second part ( will follow soon) we handle  events that are triggered by all objects with the same keyword. 

You find the solutions of the excercises here. But please try to make them yourself. 

Keyword A exercises.mbpFetching info...

Succes, and kind regards, Herman

Bearbeitet von Herman
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hello  JEF GORIS and other members that maybe are interested.  I kept my promise, the paper explaining Lists and Keywords in the event management (EV) is finished. 

This "To do document and excercises" is for beginners that want to use Keywords. It is not intended for experienced users. 
Not a manual but a to do paper. 

Keyword - List part 3B.pdf (  pdf in Dutch/English )

In part B we will handle events triggered by all objects with the same keyword. We use the teleport to a virtual depot to explain this.
There is also a part to  combine the keyword with a "variable extended". This is a little more advanced. 

The solutions of the excercises are found here Keyword B excercises.mbp



Regards, Herman

Bearbeitet von Herman

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