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I am facing some issues with track alignment in my 3D Modellbahn simulation. Even after careful planning, certain sections of my track don't seem to align properly, leading to gaps or misalignments that disrupt the train's smooth movement. I have tried adjusting the individual track pieces manually, but the problem still exist .

I have referred https://3d-train-studio.uk/functional-models/Power Apps guide but I'm still struggling to resolve the issue. Has anyone else faced similar issues?

Are there specific tools ; features within the software that can help ensure precise alignment?


 Any r advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!


Thank you:)



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hello Nolanmaris,

Please show a screenshot of your situation for us to evaluate.
It's a lot easier for us to help when we can see what's up, you know?

You can also publish your layout and provide us with the content ID to let us inspect your work and see what's up.

Kind regards

Bearbeitet von Goetz

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