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Good day all!

I purchased V6 in June 2020 and subsequently upgraded to V7 when it came out.  However, since the upgrade to V8 - then V8.5 I analyzed and evaluated it and could not justify it on my pensioner budget (I live in South Africa and our currency is very weak against First World countries). I am however very interested in exploring V8.5 but am worried that if I download it - even just the initial free version - I will lose my V7 version!

So, I have a few questions and would appreciate some advice please: -

1. If I only download the free version of V8.5, Will I lose the V7 version on my computer - or will it no longer be operational?

2. If I save my V7 version onto a memory stick, download the trial version of V8.5 on my computer and, if I find that I want to stick to V7, can I delete V8.5 and copy my V7 version from the memory stick back to my computer - will it (V7 version) be operational again?

From my observations I still see that there are people having problems with V8.5 BUT I also noticed on my level (V7) there are fewer and fewer publications of layouts that I can view.  My logic tells me that it is because I won't be able to view V8.5 publications.

Regards from South Africa



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vor 8 Minuten schrieb ern45:

worried that if I download it - even just the initial free version - I will lose my V7 version!

No need to worry, Ern45

Your V7 won't be affected at all. Both versions may exist on your computer side by side.
Even when V7 is the professional edition and V8.5 the standard (= free of charge) version.

Your absolutely safe to try out V8.5 to your heart's content.
And you don't even need to backup your V7 edition to a stick. The Installation of V8.5 doesn't overwrite it.

Kind regards

Bearbeitet von Goetz
added some info
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Well, I have spent a few hours today looking at Version 8.5 (free trial version) and I must say I am highly impressed! Wow!! The visuals and details just come out at you! Now to find the money :D

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vor 52 Minuten schrieb ern45:

How do I get access to my V7 "My 3D models"?

The software will ask you in the installation process, if you want everything transferred from your previous (V7) version to your new (V8.5) version.

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vor 23 Minuten schrieb ern45:

No it didn't...

not to worry.

Open your V7 and export the database to a file. Remember the location where you save it!





Close V7, start V8.5 and import that file 





That's all.

Kind regards

Bearbeitet von Goetz
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