220hotwheels Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2024 Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2024 Hi to all my fellow members Thus far I have not used the "routing" system for trains. I found this less easy to understand than simply setting the route through my EV. However now in V9 this seems to be less straight forward and so I have begun to get to grips with routes proper. I have set a route from the station as a round trip and there are complex cross over points to be negotiated. So far so good. As a simple test I have a train in a station with a signal on stop. Once this is changed to green the train sets off and at the first TC is instructed to activate the route, all is well so far. at the next TC the train is told to deactivate the route, this too works fine. However at the next TC where it is told to activate the route once more I have an error message saying "blocked waiting for release". This I do not understand. Clearly I need to do something differently but I fail to see just what this should be. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards Pete
Phrontistes Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2024 Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2024 (bearbeitet) Hi Pete Your mistake is probably deactivating the route while it is still being used by the train you set it up for. If you then try to activate it again, it won't work because a vehicle, that train, is still on it. Normally you should not deactivate routes. The program does this automatically when the train has reached the last waypoint of the route. Kind regards Phrontistes Bearbeitet 15. Dezember 2024 von Phrontistes typo
220hotwheels Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2024 Autor Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2024 3 hours ago, Phrontistes said: Hi Pete Your mistake is probably deactivating the route while it is still being used by the train you set it up for. If you then try to activate it again, it won't work because a vehicle, that train, is still on it. Normally you should not deactivate routes. The program does this automatically when the train has reached the last waypoint of the route. Kind regards Phrontistes Hi Phrotistes Many thanks for getting back to me. Clearly my solution lies in a different mind set. Instead of simply trying to create a complete round trip it needs to be broken up into segments that allow other trains to use the same track once one has departed that section. In hindsight, and since you pointed this out it really is logical. Thanks for that. Cheers Pete
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