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I was able to figure it out.   You need to take the loop off and set a trigger to start the animation.  Without the loop feature, it plays one complete cycle and stops.   I have a scene where a locomotive hits a trigger track which opens the doors.  the loco goes into the shed, hits a trigger track to stop it and the same trigger closes the doors.Locshed.jpg

  • 9 Monate später...

Hello this problem i have also..
now i do it with ''train enters a track'' and i have to make 5 steps to make a crossingsignal to go open and close

What do you main with ''You need to take the loop off and set a trigger to start the animation''
how do you set loop OFF ?
And how do you make a trigger point ?
I hope you can awnser this for me it would be a grait help !!
i am new here i buy the game true bank transfer and now i have to wait for a few day's :o( cant wait...
Greeds from Holland, Edwin


how do you set loop OFF ?


Check the animation section of the model's properties. (bottom right of the screen)

near the forward/backward, reset and other buttons, you'll find a checkbox for continuous looping


And how do you make a trigger point ?


The beginning of the track is your trigger point. As you already know, you can trigger events (i.e. make them respond) when a specific track is entered. And that's what Curt is referring to when he talks about a trigger track.


Thanks Goetz
thats a fast response !! Grait
Ok now its clear to me abouth the trigger point ,the way i read it everywhere(translate in englisch) is that it was a special option in the sim itself,, but now i now its a term we use ;o)
and the tip of the LOOP .., wow it saves me a lot of time THANKS!!.

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