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Weathering Primitives

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I've figured out that if you scratchbuild, and you want to share your layouts without people seeing question marks, you have to use the game's primitives, colors, and textures.  Unfortunately the game is pretty limited with what you can do, so sometimes you have to get creative.

On the grain elevator I've built in image 1, I wanted the silos to look weathered, but I had already used the Kalksand dunkel-gefugt to create the horizontal lines, and you can't apply two textures to the same item.  The solution was simple:Weathering.jpg Image 1


Create a second sphere and cylinder slightly larger in diameter than the ones used to make the silos, apply a texture that creates the effect you want (I used Beton), set the transparancy to about 70-80%, adjust the texture to your liking, then cover the silos with the weathered pieces.

Weathering_9.jpg Image 2


This same process can be used on other applications.  On the garage I built, I wanted the roof that had a shingle texture applied to it to look weathered.

 Weathering_1.jpg Image 3


First I re-sized a cube to match the length, width, height and angle of one side of the roof and selected the Benton texture:

Weathering_6.jpg  Image 4

Next I set the transparency at 70%...

Weathering_7.jpg  Image 5

Then set the panels in place and grouped them with the garage.

Weathering_8.jpg  Image 6

This also works to make roads look more realistic:

Weathering_2.jpg  Image 7

Set the length, width, and height of a cube to match the road and apply a texture.  I used Fels grau (07) on this one...

Weathering_3.jpg  Image 8

Set the transparency to around 70%-80% depending on how worn you want the road to look...

Weathering_4.jpg  Image 9

Then place the transparent piece over the sections of road you want and adjust the texture scaling to get the look you want.

Weathering_5.jpg  Image 10

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