badattitude77 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 I tried to share this in the community, but I keep getting an unknown error or pending review message when I try to share anything lately. I'll share the pics in case anyone likes it and wants to build it them self, or in case it give someone some ideas for something new they want to build. Commercial and industrial areas on a layout need parking lots to look realistic. To save space, I designed an underground parking garage on this module.
Goetz Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 You really have a knack for this, badattitude77. Nice and stylish design.
badattitude77 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Autor Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Thank you Goetz. I've been into things like model trains, wood working, car customizing, art, drafting, architecture, and model building all my life, so I guess I was blessed with a knack for creating things.
Wüstenfuchs Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Hallo badattitude 77, Could you the room of your hotel tell me my daughter wants to spend our next summer vacation there.Joking aside, a great hotel you have designed there.Best regards Wüstenfuchs and die Kurzen
badattitude77 Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Autor Geschrieben 11. April 2016 Thank you Wustenfuchs, and I'll make sure you're room is ready for you. Just don't spend all of your money at the casino. LOL
Wüstenfuchs Geschrieben 12. April 2016 Geschrieben 12. April 2016 Hallo badattitude 77, since you need to be afraid because my favorite game Skat is hardly offered there. WHILE I have ever played the game and have lost so manschen military pay my military service. At that time, we have always played by half a penny per downside. Best regards Wüstenfuchs
Goetz Geschrieben 12. April 2016 Geschrieben 12. April 2016 "Skat" is the name of the most popular German card game. It has the same number of followers here that for instance "Bridge" has in England.
Wüstenfuchs Geschrieben 12. April 2016 Geschrieben 12. April 2016 Unfortunately, the number of followers in Germany rapidly. The young people want schenbar no longer participate in this kind of leisure activity. If we host supervisor at the "Jugendfeuerwehr", the youth organization of the fire services in Germany, a game night, is played by the young people usually poker as Skat.
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