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I am not sure where to post this but the error which may discourage a lot of people on checking out 3DTS

1) Go to https://www.3d-modellbahn.de/

2) Click on the ENGLISH flag (URL is https://en.3d-modellbahn.de/ ) and you get a " NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID " message 

Your connection is not private

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from en.3d-modellbahn.de (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).

 Automatically report details of possible security incidents to Google. Privacy policy
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This server could not prove that it is en.3d-modellbahn.de; its security certificate is fromwww.3d-modellbahn.de. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.

Proceed to en.3d-modellbahn.de (unsafe)

I am just reporting this error. I hope this helps.


Virginia / USA


Hi Oliver,

this is a known issue, because there only exists a SSL certificate for the german version of the website. A future update of the site removes this problem, all languages will be using the same domain.

Kind regards,


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