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  Hi Andy

Am 23.5.2019 um 20:05 schrieb Andy:

Where the heck should they be?

To answer to that question : in the Wiki or somewhere immidiatelly available to all users without being obliged to search evrywhere through the whole forum.

Is this so complicate?



Can you show me at least one sample for a plugin that is not catalog? There are just a few plugins.
And again - this 'Ultimate Variable Editor' is not a plugin. And something with the word 'ultimate' in it is obscure anyways.



I agree!  Ultimate_Variable_editor is not a plugin, but it should be as it is very usefull for everybody.

vor 55 Minuten schrieb Andy:

Can you show me at least one sample for a plugin that is not catalog?.

That is the question I cannot answer.  Are there some "unknown" plugins or even ".exe" that can be usefull?  Only the MBS managers, maybe, know that.

But, OK!  I think that this point could now be closed.  I gave my opinion; nothing more.

Best regards


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