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primitive models

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I have built a number of vintage american model houses using the primitive shapes within 3d train studio some of which I think are quite  good. i would like to offer these models for other persons to use but i do not know how to upload these models , i would greatly appreciate any help you could give me too accomplish this task




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Hello @robbins944

for the "Uploading" of models you need a unique release by Neo. This is a good idea if you want to continue to become a model builder and thus continue to provide models.

If this is just a one-time request from you, you can also export the models from your system. You can make the mbe files created in this way available here in the forum and ask other model builders to publish them.

Maybe you can upload a picture of your models here (screenshot), so that people can find out what you mean?


Bearbeitet von Porrey61
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Wow, these are beautiful models! We'd like you to make more of them.
For the upload they must meet some conditions, which are displayed in the properties window (if they are not met)
If they are met, nothing stands in the way of uploading when you ask Neo to be approved as a model builder.

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