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I have a few questions regarding the structure of the catalog and data files in MBS.  

in the folder for mbs, I see a folder called catalog which has a catalog file, and a folder called data.Untitled.thumb.jpg.5f9df77feb7b9091e281d06aee96c430.jpg

the files in data seem to correspond to the custom textures, 3d models and sounds created in mbs, but not shared/   IS that correct, and are the numbers unique to the entire MBS system or are the numbers duplicated in another user's data folder/



Hi Curt,

vor 3 Stunden schrieb Curt84328:

but not shared/   IS that correct, and are the numbers unique to the entire MBS system or are the numbers duplicated in another user's data folder/

these data files are not automatically shared, only after you have explicitly uploaded them to the online catalog (in MBS). The numbers (content IDs) are unique in the world.

Kind regards,


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