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What I think it ought to do is align the height of panel B with panel A where the two are overlapping and join the two panels together.

What it seems to do is delete panel B after changing the contours of panel A to match the overlap...? I can honestly not see a use for this!



After (1)


After (2)


So what is it supposed to do, and how does it do it?


Hello Simon,

vor 34 Minuten schrieb simonjackson1964:

Is that the actual purpose?

Indeed, it is.

Merge panel integrates the shape of one panel into the other.
The base panel needs to be wide enough to incorporate the entire other panel (or the added panel gets cut off, which may occasionally be what one desires.)

Purpose is to form one continuous landscape.

  • Easier to handle for the studio
  • Easier to handle for the user
  • User can mold the new, merged landscape across former fringes.


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