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I use a link between a track and a GBS module. ( from the track to the GBS ) All tracks have the same keyword, trackswitchs another depending on their kind.
This keyword triggers the code when track is entered, a track is leaved.
Fine ... but because of the link, if I move a GBS module the tracks moves also. Other solutions ? Or a link to former topics to read ? Thanks. Herman

Ich verwende eine Verbindung zwischen einer Spur und einem GBS-Modul. ( vom Track zum GBS ) Alle Tracks haben das gleiche Schlüsselwort, Trackswitches je nach Art.
Dieses Schlüsselwort löst den Code aus, wenn ein Track eingegeben wird, eine Spur verlassen wird.
Gut ... aber wegen des Links, wenn ich ein GBS-Modul verschiebe, verschieben sich die Spuren auch. Andere Lösungen? Oder einen Link zu früheren Themen zum Nachlesen? Vielen Dank. Herman



For a normal track :

For a 3 way track switch.


vor 18 Minuten schrieb Herman:

Other solutions ?

Use a variable.
A link groups models for the pupose of moving them together. Freight on a waggon. Driver in a car. Labelling on a signal.


Hello @Goetz ,

This test is here since my beginning in V5 (*) I must have found that solution somewhere on the forum. A links purpose is something else as you mention.
Of course, a same approach with a variable type object will do the job flawless.
(*) I did put it away and never used it again because of the moves. 
Thank you @Goetz


Hello Goetz , I just watched your (shortened) Twitch Tv demonstrating this subject on Roter Brummers historical layout.
Great ideas, very instructive ! Thank you for that video.

Kind regards, Herman

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