georgeb Geschrieben 22. Dezember 2021 Geschrieben 22. Dezember 2021 I am thinking of adding a picture to my layout. It will be a diagram of the track layout as often see high up on the wall of a signal box. Is it possible to add a .jpg for example?
Goetz Geschrieben 22. Dezember 2021 Geschrieben 22. Dezember 2021 (bearbeitet) vor einer Stunde schrieb georgeb: Is it possible to add a .jpg for example? Yes, George, that's doable. The easiest may be that you select the object "Ebene" from the category "Online catalogie -> primitives" to your layout. Now select the brush icon in the properties window of this object. Select the folder icon at the end of the "texture" entry field. Select "File" Select your .jpg image from your picture foilder Finally, adjust length and width of the "Ebene" object to match the aspect ratio of your image. Kind regards Goetz Bearbeitet 22. Dezember 2021 von Goetz
georgeb Geschrieben 22. Dezember 2021 Autor Geschrieben 22. Dezember 2021 I will try that tomorrow. I appreciate all the help you give to me and you do it so fast. It is simple to follow. Thanks again. George & Merry Christmas
georgeb Geschrieben 27. Dezember 2021 Autor Geschrieben 27. Dezember 2021 Thank you. It is exactly what I require. Merry Christmas to all. George
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