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DKW signal

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Hello members, some advice please. Not a problem but "how it looks" , if we place DKW signals where to put them ? On each entry of the DKW ?
When a DKW is followed by another DKW, we have then a "wood" of DKW signals ? How do you place them ?


Thanks in advance, regards, Herman

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Zielsprache auswählenEnglisch (UK) 


Hello Herman,
here you can see the position of the turnout signal for the 4 different switch positions.
For the opposite direction, you can also simply orientate yourself on the picture.




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17 minutes ago, Goetz said:

Hello Herman,

here's a link to an example

Thank you Goetz, it looks very nice like that. Regards, H.


5 minutes ago, Mirror said:

here you can see the position of the turnout signal for the 4 different switch

?? Nothing to see here. But thanks for reacting.  I only wanted to know where they place te signal. 

Regards, Herman

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