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Updating the single PlatformDestination Indicator - Platform sections

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I've almost got this sussed, but the "Bahnsteig Abschnitte" is defeating me.

Translated as "Platform sections", I'm assuming the letters represent the coaches on the train and  the numbers 1, 2 and X represent first class, second class and maybe a restaurant car?

But what is beating me is getting the numbers under the letters. Obviosly when typing in manually one presses return at the end of the line. But I have a list of tables each holding a departure. Trying to get my table entry to split the text over two lines is failing. The same applies to the intermediate destinations.

I think it may have to do with the "Format" box, but I have no idea what to put in there.

Please help?

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in the graphic event control you can not set the text of a label to two lines... this is a known issue as fare as i know Neo is working on a solution...

in der grafischen Ereignissteuerung kann man den Text eines Labels nicht auf zwei Zeilen setzen... soweit ich weiß ist das ein bekanntes Problem Neo arbeitet an einer Lösung...


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Thanks Easy.

Probably the easiest solution might be to split the label into two, one above the other?

Something I have noticed on the layout I'm slowly trying to build (and might get finished before V12 is ready) is that there are trains that go a long way, all the way from the Baltic ports to practically to the Czech border, calling at over 30 stations on the way.

Obviously there is no way 30 place names are going to fit in that little box.

What I am planning to do is get as many in as I can. but have the table hold a list of place names, and a timed index to rotate through them, the same as on a lot of prototype stations I've seen. I'll let people know if it works.

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Yes it works... The biggest snag was the fact that I had a list in a table in a list, and the indexing got tangled.

Solved with a user-event, pass the inner list and the index to it down as parameters, and pop the correct item into the label.

That also meant that the timer event controls the cycling of the index and calls the same user event!

Now to fill in the rest of the trains, and make it work for more than one platform...!

Edited by simonjackson1964
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