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I am using your rather brilliant model, as above, as part of my latest layout which includes an extensive wood mill and timber yard. As you will see from the attached screenshot it is my wish to be able to simulate loading this trailer with wood chips/sawdust, which I have so far only been able to simulate with a combination of "sand-hell-grob and sand-hell-hugelig" forming the pile of waste material to be loaded. 

My request is thus. Would it be possible for you to provide an alternative content for the trailer that might more closely resemble my feeble attempt at wood chip/sawdust.

Your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards


Tipper trailer at timber yard.jpg

2 minutes ago, 220hotwheels said:



I am using your rather brilliant model, as above, as part of my latest layout which includes an extensive wood mill and timber yard. As you will see from the attached screenshot it is my wish to be able to simulate loading this trailer with wood chips/sawdust, which I have so far only been able to simulate with a combination of "sand-hell-grob and sand-hell-hugelig" forming the pile of waste material to be loaded. 

My request is thus. Would it be possible for you to provide an alternative content for the trailer that might more closely resemble my feeble attempt at wood chip/sawdust.

Your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards


Tipper trailer at timber yard.jpg


Ich verwende Ihr ziemlich brillantes Modell, wie oben, als Teil meines neuesten Layouts, das eine umfangreiche Holzmühle und einen Holzplatz umfasst. Wie Sie dem beigefügten Screenshot entnehmen können, ist es mein Wunsch, die Beladung dieses Anhängers mit Hackschnitzeln/Sägespänen simulieren zu können, was ich bisher nur mit einer Kombination aus "Sand-Hell-Grob und Sand-Hell-Hugelig" simulieren konnte, die den zu verladenden Abfallhaufen bilden.

Meine Bitte lautet also. Wäre es möglich, dass du einen alternativen Inhalt für den Trailer zur Verfügung stellst, der meinem schwachen Versuch mit Holzspänen/Sägespänen ähnlicher ist?

Wir würden uns sehr über Ihre Gedanken dazu freuen.

Herzliche Grüße


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