henricjen Geschrieben 20. März Geschrieben 20. März Hi @Neo, I have run into a particle effect problem with v8.5.5.0, that I have not experienced before. It seems that when you select a "Static" particle type on a particle effect object (A), the result, disregarding other particle settings, renders the preview (B) correctly, but is invisible in the layout (C) No other settings, neither property og material, can force the particle object to become visible in the layout. If you do change particle type to "Dynamic", the object displays correctly again. In an older layout, I have created static particle effects. But if I enter "Edit" on any of them, and change any setting, the object is from now on invisible. It could seem like an object display bug to me... Kind regards, Henrik
Neo Geschrieben 21. März Geschrieben 21. März Hi Henrik, thank you for the report, I can confirm the error and will fix it by the next update. Kind regards, Neo
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