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Terraine / Ground accidentally deleted .... can I recover

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb hmclay:

is it possible to retrieve the Terraine from those ?

Yes, it is.

But first make sure that the terrain is really lost and not invisible.
Open the structure view (F3) and look for "Boden" resp. "Ground" to check.

When the Ground object is lost,

  • open an older version of your layout
  • double click the Ground object
  • press ctrl + C (for copy)
  • go back to the main page (don't exit the program!)
  • open your latest version of the layout
  • press ctrl + V (for insert)

that should do the trick

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Thank you Goetz for the info and fast response. I was hoping it was simple but didn't want to do anything until I was sure I wouldn't mess things up further.

I was moving items to/from layers and creating additional layers when I saved the program not realizing the Terraine Layer was deleted.!

I'm back to SNAFU ............ 

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