Hallo all fellow MBS members!
I wish to introduce this topic (if approved), because of the number of layouts (completed/extend etc.) I have viewed.
I have viewed numerous layouts published on the net that is fantastic! However, I have also seen quite a few published layouts where the “building/construction” standard was not good and some extremely poor. Here I am talking about track alignment, adjusting the terrain, absence of catenary (yet electric engines running) or poorly adjusted bridges that don’t fit etc. Sometimes you see a brilliant track plan built very nicely but then the scenery (mountains, rivers, roads etc.) does an injustice to the layout.
Please don’t get me wrong! In the beginning some of my first layouts were also of a very low quality – and I realized it by comparing it to those great ones published – and therefore I was too embarrassed to publish my first attempts!
The high standard of building and completion of layouts on the net had motivated me to improve my building and completion skills just like with a real layout to the effect that I am now publishing some of my layouts on the net. I think at the moment I have 11 published ones running on the net but, I monitor how many “likes” I get and, if the “rating” drops – I take it off.
I am not saying that layouts should be assessed before being published – This might discourage some of the new members from continuing with MBS – I recall my first published layout and not even getting one “like” in two weeks! This inspired me to jack up my skills and then after the next layout was published....within a week I got 3 “likes”! Wow!! It felt great!
So...what do fellow MBS members think?