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  1. Can we please, please, please have a detailed tutorial of what everything does in English? I cannot find what I am looking for by laboriously translating pages to English in the forum. I'm having to rethink whether I want to continue using this program. With every new upgrade, it seems it's getting more complicated and harder to work out what everything does.
  2. Further to my ongoing graphics problem I hoping someone can give me a bit of advice to a possible work around. Unfortunatly my budget prevents me buying a new computer. So my possible work around is to buy a USB external graphic adapter. My questions are, would this resolve my graphic problems and can anyone recommend a budget device? The computer is an “Ergo” laptop The specs are as follows Processor: Intel Atom (N570) Dual core @ 1.66GHz Ram: 2GB OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit Display adaptor: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 (Microsoft WDDM 1.0) I look forward to getting some expert advice. Thanks in advance Graeme
  3. Hi Neo. Thanks for your reply. After I sent the message I re-read the message and realized I was wrong. It has now occurred to me the problem is an incompatible video card. Apologies for wasting your time. Graeme
  4. Hello Firstly forgive my lack of German language. I have tried using 3D Train Studio on my windows 10 laptop but when I run the program I get a message saying that DirectX can't be found and the program runs slower than it should. I've looked at the windows/system32 folder and all the DirectX files are there. Can anyone provide any assistance please? Thanks in advance. Graeme
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