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Hi Richard,

i do not rearly unterstand what you want to do... the translation of "stunting" makes me a little bit confused...

There is no direct way to determine if two wagons are connected.
With command 374 and 375 you can only get respectively set the state of the couplings (active / not avtive).


Bearbeitet von EASY
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 2 Stunden schrieb EASY:

the translation of "stunting" makes me a little bit confused...

It's a spelling error. What he means is shunting (= Rangieren)

And talking about spelling:
really - not rearly
understand - not unterstand

not nagging - just saying ;-)


Bearbeitet von Goetz


Sorry about the spelling error

Shunting is the term we use for moving wagons around the yards or into sidings.

I can achieve this by checking the state of the couplers and checking the wagon moves when the train moves,


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