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Hello everyone,

Thanks to EASY and NEO I know now that I can save in my library an object (in my case 'tracks') that I have edited from an existing object, using CATALOG -> 3D MODELS NEW -> SELECTION. Of course I can then choose the EXISTING category where I save it (for instance "railroad" -> "tracks" -> "Atlas"). But my edited object is very specific, it is the N 55 series. I would like to create a FOLDER named "55 N"  (for instance). Is it possible to do that ?

Thank you so much.

Virginia, USA


Hello Oliver,

it is not possible for users to create category folders in the catalogue. I have maintained a lot of track sytems for 3D-TS. Since I have discovered that there is Atlas_N code 55 in use I will set up the track system for you.

I have not found complete dimensions for the turnouts on the Internet. There is no information about the radii used. But that would be important to create matching reverse curves for the turnouts. Can you help me ? A scan of the switch # 5, # 7 and # 10 would be sufficient.

please be patient,

Regards, Henry


Dear Henry, you are so very kind. And thank you also for answering my question.

Unfortunately I do not have any actual rail tracks.... It is my dream one day to build a true N scale layout using ATLAS 55 and that is why I love 3DTS so much because until I can do so I can design the layout of the my dreams according to the space I will have. 

I am not sure if that PDF document can help:
http://download.atlasrr.com/TrackCat2010/18-46 N Track.pdf
[PAGE 8 thru PAGE 11]

Many thanks to you Henry.




Hi Oliver,

thanks for your Information, I have the mentioned resources available. I will try my very best to get best results.

Atlas N code 55 #1.jpg

regards, Henry

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