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Oliver wrote here...


Easy made so many great plugins and I can only use one (Landscaping) - although I don't understand it all it does work and I love it. BUT so many plugins just for Germany !  That is NOT fair !!

... first: i am only a hobby-programmer... and my English is not so good... but I like challenges...

... so i started to translate my "Gleis-Setz-Tools"...

... second: i like the direct way...

... my question to all English-speaking users is... would you understand this part of my Plugin with this translation and this example?... 
... or what I could do better ?







TEST of translation

(en) Application Note:

The purpose of this tool is the construction of a vertical ramp. It consists of 5 parts:

    Startpoint and horizontal starting height: blue track (start track)
    Vertical polygon for the smooth transition to the constant slope, formed from 7 short straight green tracks. A polygon is the replacement of a curve with straight lines. 
    Constant slope with 5 red tracks
    Vertical polygon for the smooth transition from the constant slope to the horizontal end height, formed from 7 short straight green tracks
    Endpoint and height lying horizontally: blue track (track end)

(de) Hinweis zur Anwendung

Der Zweck dieses Tools ist der Bau einer vertikalen Rampe. Sie besteht aus 5 Teilen:

  1. Anfangspunkt und waagerechte Ausgangshöhe : blaues Gleis (start track)
  2. Vertikales Polygon für den sanften Übergang in die konstante Steigung, gebildet aus 7 kurzen geraden grünen Gleisen. Ein Polygon ist der Ersatz einer Kurve mit Geraden.
  3. Konstante Steigung mit 5 roten Gleisen
  4. Vertikales Polygon für den sanften Übergang von der konstanten Steigung zur waagerechten Endhöhe, gebildet aus 7 kurzen geraden grünen Gleisen
  5. Endpunkt und Höhe waagerecht liegend : blaues Gleis (end track)




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