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Ability to create objects that contain other objects.


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This is a biggy ;)

It would be great if we could have the ability to create an object that contains other objects then instantiate that custom object on our layouts,
The object would work sort of like a selection group but with the following added functionality.

1. Ability to reference each item within the group with dot notation... e.g. Controller_1.Enable_Switch
2. New native variable in each object that identifies the Parent container.
3. Each object should have it's OWN event handler and a new separate global variable namespace in addition to the layouts namespace.
4. Ability to save the object as a library object and place it on other layouts.

In my example I am using a bunch of these identical "section" objects which monitor, display and control track sections.
Each object on it is specific to a particular track section.
Currently, obviously, they are all individual objects. I need to be careful with naming conventions and editing common variables on each that point at the a master object for that group.
It would be so much nicer if I could create that object in a separate editor, and edit the common event code there too. 

This feature would also be useful for making a library of other sub-designs that could be re-used on other layouts, not just for active elements. For example, one could spend hours building an intricate bridge structure, it would be nice to save that work as a new library object and use it on other projects. Or perhaps you develop some parking lot with cars moving around and parking and want to reuse it with all its built in (and hidden) event handlers on a new layout. The possibilities are endless :)

It might even be nice to share them.

Note: Separate editor could simply mean another instance of the existing program, and the addition of a "Save As Object Model" function.


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