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1.Paste should paste wherever the mouse is, not at an offset from the original. It can be a chore if you are pasting from one side of the map and have to drag it to the other when you are zoomed in.

2. When dragging an object around, the map should auto-scroll when the mouse hits the edge of the client area. (Window). This one is also true for dragging objects in the event handler.

Bearbeitet von trevor

hello trevor,

please, and i mean please!!, don't use idioms like "u" or "r", because some of us try (perhaps some of us can) to follow your ideas. But this is only possible, if you write in an english way, that is possible to read!!

greetings Michel, the N-scale-builder

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
16 minutes ago, N-Bahn-Bastler said:

hello trevor,

please, and i mean please!!, don't use idioms like "u" or "r", because some of us try (perhaps some of us can) to follow your ideas. But this is only possible, if you write in an english way, that is possible to read!!

greetings Michel, the N-scale-builder

Yes. Sorry. It is a bad habit. I corrected it :) I will try and make my sentences as clean as I can to help with the translations too.

Bearbeitet von trevor

Having had one year of German many years ago, I find that if I try to think in german syntax that my ideas translate easier.

Ein Jahr der deutschen Sprache vor vielen Jahren hatte, finde ich, dass wenn ich versuche zu denken in der deutschen Syntax, die meine Ideen leichter zu übersetzen.

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