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Multikulti difficulty?


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Hallo Neo,

die feature creature läßt fragen, ob man in der neuen Version die Sprache nicht dynamisch umschalten könnte, bzw. eine zweite Instanz mit einer anderen Sprache installieren könnte. Kommen ja doch erfreulicherweise immer häufiger Posts in englisch rein und da bräuchte man für Screenshots oder für den einen oder anderen Term mal fix die andere Sprache...


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7 hours ago, Andy said:

Hello Neo,

the feature creature asks if you can not switch the language dynamically in the new version, or install a second instance with a different language. Happily, more and more posts in English come in and you would need for screenshots or for one term or another fix the other language ...


Are you asking for english terms in the program itself?

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Hi Curt,
yes. If you want to explain something, the exact term of a menu entry or a button text would be necessary. Same with screenshots. It would be strange for you if there is the german environment. And you even couldn't put it into a translator...
Maybe there is a chance for a quick switch, i.e. kind of a batch, so internally switch to the other language, autoexit and autostart with the already loaded layout again. That saves some clicks.

best regards

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Thinking about that, i think i have to fix a lot in my layout too. Texts within the layout are another ugly problem. The result would be:
The picture shows a bad sample. Unfortunately the displayed states are used as real variable values. This is not good.
A good layout should use just numbers for states and maybe the designer of the layout should then display texts according to an 'ingame'-language button. So - enumeration is the key.
Stuff for a discussion about it - but isn't the right thread for that.


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for display within the program itself (part of the program, or asset names) there is a variable in the Settings.xml that gets changed.  if there was a button that reloads the settings instead of restarting,  you could swap between german and english. Sign text on the other hand are user coded, and so cannot be changed as they are not part of the program.

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