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Using _Trigger1._Name with timer

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My question is very simple : as _Trigger1._Name points to the name of the timer when the condition 1 is "Timer expires", how to adress the loco residing on the track.

In my labo layout, I've set the name of the timer = $_Trigger2._Name (= name of the track where "Loco" is stopped).  So, when the the timer expires, _Trigger1._Name points both on the timer's name AND to the track where the loco resides; this permits to use the variables residing on the _Trigger2._Name object.  This works great!  But I also need some of the variables that are part of the object "Loco".

All suggestions will be welcome?

Thank you


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Hi Andrè,
what about storing the loco's name to the track and then use double indirection? This works. You can even use deeper indirection. See Wiki about nested indirection. Still - same like your old problem - _Trigger1/2._Name things and indirection usage will change with the new version coming soon. I think I've told you already.


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Hi Andy,

Of course, indirection is a solution but this means an additional even to read and store the loco's name in the stop track.  As we already discused earlier, I try to manage my layout with as few as possible events and, thus, I was looking for another trick, if any.

Of course, when the new options will be available, I probably will change the events accordingly.

Andy, I have another question that I published on the forum under the name :Ultimate Variable Editor

but, up to now, I've received no answer.  Could you be so kind to have a look there?  Thank you a lot.



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Sorry André,
I saw the post and if I had an answer, I surely had posted it. I don't even know this plugin - was before my time. So far I just used the plugins from EASY.

ps: using timers you always will have to store a state, because they just bring their name and no other relation.

Bearbeitet von Andy
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Thank you Andy.

Concerning the Ultimate_Variable_Editor plugin, I've to say that, when it works, it is great and very very usefull to help managing the variables.  But for me, it doesn't work anymore...  And I don't know why.



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