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I wanted to show you part of a layout that I am working on.   I am attempting to replicate the Golden Spike Historic Site as closely as MBS will allow.  Here are some pictures of some of what I have done so far.

Ich wollte dir einen Teil eines Layouts zeigen, an dem ich gerade arbeite.   Ich versuche, die Golden Spike Historic Site so nah wie möglich an die MBS anzupassen.  Hier sind einige Bilder von dem, was ich bisher gemacht habe.


This is the turning wye at the east end of the Site with the Diesel Switch engine, the Locomotive Shed, and other features.

The U.S. Park service located at Golden Spike calls this the Omaha - Sacramento Wye, and use it to turn the locomotives.

Dies ist die Wende am östlichen Ende des Standorts mit dem Diesel Switch Lok, dem Lokschuppen und anderen Merkmalen.

Der U.S. Park Service in Golden Spike nennt dies Omaha - Sacramento Wye und nutzt es, um die Lokomotiven zu drehen.


The Diesel Switcher is an emergency method to move the steam locomotives in the event that they break down,

or the fire dies, or they run out of steam.

Der Dieselumschalter ist ein Notverfahren, um die Dampflokomotiven im Falle eines Ausfalls zu bewegen, 

oder das Feuer erlischt, oder ihnen geht der Dampf aus.


East end (Omaha end) of the turning wye with manual switch.  Switched are locked, as all switches in the prototype

must be set for both locomotives.  Thanks @BahnLand for the manual switch and foundation stone. 

They were as close to original as could be found.

Ostende (Omaha-Ende) des Wendekreises mit Handschalter.  Die Schalter sind verriegelt, da alle Schalter des Prototyps gesperrt sind. 

muss für beide Lokomotiven eingestellt sein.  Vielen Dank an @BahnLand für den manuellen Schalter und den Grundstein.  

Sie waren so nah am Original, wie es nur möglich war.


The Double Switch in front of the Locomotive Shed.

Der Doppelschalter vor dem Lokomotivschuppen.


The Locomotive Shed with the Ash Pit and the Inspection pits inside.  Each Locomotive has an assigned bay,

and Inspection pit.  Tools, Work space and equipment is located in the center between the tracks.

Das Lokomotivschuppen mit dem Aschenschacht und den Inspektionschächten im Inneren.  Jede Lokomotive hat einen zugeordneten Schacht, 

und Inspektionsgrube.  Werkzeuge, Arbeitsraum und Ausrüstung befinden sich in der Mitte zwischen den Schienen.


das Einfahrtsschild

The Entry Sign   


Tracks crossing road (as seen from 119)

Gleise, die die Straße kreuzen (aus der Sicht von 119)


Still to come, The Visitors center, finish laying tracks, and add the telegraph lines

The Visitor Center will be the hardest as it is very complex.

Noch zu kommen, das Besucherzentrum, beenden Sie die Gleisverlegung und fügen Sie die Telegrafenleitungen hinzu.

Das Besucherzentrum wird das schwierigste sein, da es sehr komplex ist.

viele Grüße an alle,



The actual monument at Golden Spike that sat at the exact location of the driving of the Golden Spike from 1945 to 1969.  (24 years)


It has since been moved to in front of the visitor's center

built with 2 pyramids,2 boxes and an ebene.  The top of one pyramid was chopped off with a special texture that is transparent at the top.



The Information in this post is intended for those who are somewhat new to MBS.

I've been working on the Monument and the barrier around it.


The barrier is formed from Kugeln (for the bases), Zylindern for the main poles, and Kugeln for the caps.  the chains are quaders

Custom textures can be a wonderful thing to use, but be sure to import them into MBS and I recommend using a custom folder for them.


using a custom folder for all custom textures makes it easier to Export them when you get ready to share your layout.  

(You will need to export them, and upload them to a file sharing site if you want others to see your layout properly)


It's always a good idea to rename objects in your object list as it makes it easier to find what you are looking for later.


viele Grüße


  • 3 Wochen später...

Another Update:

I've nearly reworked the entire layout, replacing a number of models with newly built models.   

I have rebuilt the visitor center based on pictures and measurements, but not ready to show it yet.

Out on the main line there are 2 observation platforms that I rebuilt.   they now look like this.




and the prototype they are based on.


  • 2 Wochen später...

I thought I'd update everyone on my Golden Spike layout.   


this is the front of the Visitor Center without landscaping.   The ovals indicate some of the custom textures used.  @Neo, I want to release the custom textures I used (I created them from Pictures I took), but they would have a limited use.   Ideally they should be in a special set (Golden Spike)


this is a closeup of the Southern Pacific Monument and the sign explaining it.



This is the back side of the visitor center from beyond the Union Pacific spur line.  Again there are many custom textures are used.


a closeup of the back with 2 signs explaining the evolution of US railroad rails.  


I plan to release this layout when complete, but need to upload all the custom textures





Hi Curt,

vor 4 Stunden schrieb Curt84328:

I want to release the custom textures I used

this is not the way content is typically uploaded to the online catalog. Textures specific to a single model should be included in the model itself. It is not possible to upload models built with 3D Train Studio, you need to build the model with Blender, Sketchup or any other 3D modelling software.

Kind regards,


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