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Hi Curt


I did this experiment a wee while ago. Basically, it is cubes (planes might work as well) fitted in each pane section of a window, that are colourized (white-ish ..yellow-ish) and switched visible=lights on or invisible=lights off. But fortunately, many builders now incorporate switchable illumination in their models so the workaround of mine is merely for older models without lights when you want them to have lights.



Bearbeitet von metallix
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25 minutes ago, metallix said:

Hi Curt


I did this experiment a wee while ago. Basically, it is cubes (planes might work as well) fitted in each pane section of a window, that are colourized (white-ish ..yellow-ish) and switched visible=lights on or invisible=lights off. But fortunately, many builders now incorporate switchable illumination in their models so the workaround of mine is merely for older models without lights when you want them to have lights.



That indeed does work as I am building a building entirely with cubes and planes.  




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