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Hello everybody,

Some help please

Can someone explain what this property exact does ? And if possible an example how to use it.
Kind regards, 

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

For train traffic, I can't think of a good use (yet)
But for road traffic, it's a powerful new feature.

Activate that option, if you want a car to follow the car in front.

Say you stop a car at a traffic light: if the cars behind have the Minus option activeated (like on your screenshot), they will also stop and at a respectful distance. Now, when your traffic light changes and you set the car in front in motion, you may want the cars behind to follow. And that's what the Plus option is for.

It's a bit tricky to use, because you'll need to turn it off and on, depending on the current situation.
The first car at the traffic light must have it off, or else it will follow the cars crossing.#

This is a fine example from Brummi:


and here's a moce complex example layout:  
Content-ID    81A75E39-DCC6-4212-BB42-FDBEFDE15C36

Bearbeitet von Goetz
25 minutes ago, Goetz said:

For train traffic, I can't think of a good use (yet)
But for road traffic, it's a powerful new feature.

Activate that option, if you want a car to follow the car in front.

Say you stop a car at a traffic light: if the cars behind have the Minus option activeated (like on your screenshot), they will also stop and at a respectful distance. Now, when your traffic light changes and you set the car in front in motion, you may want the cars behind to follow. And that's what the Plus option is for.

It's a bit tricky to use, because you'll need to turn it off and on, depending on the current situation.
The first car at the traffic light must have it off, or else it will follow the cars crossing.#

This is a fine example from Brummi:


and here's a moce complex example layout:  
Content-ID    81A75E39-DCC6-4212-BB42-FDBEFDE15C36


This ref. 81A75E39-DCC6-4212-BB42-FDBEFDE15C36 leads to nothing her at home. Something special ?
If I search for it in the catalog, it jumps to the 3D Models, but the zone My 3D models is empty and I cannot use that zone it. ( or do not now how )

Probably a plugin is needed ? But for now, I'm not working with 3D models. ( ex. Blender ); only with the 3D Train studio.
I can read the Mini-Exp. from Brummi.

Greetings, Herman


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 8 Minuten schrieb Herman:

If I search for it in the catalog

it's not a model ID
It's the ID of a layout.

Hence, you need to search for it on the starting page
Please, click on "Online Catalog", then enter the id in the input field at the top right


Bearbeitet von Goetz
screenshot added


Just for those that want to see a demonstration video from the 3D studio announcing new things in V6. 

Overview of the new functions
4. Distance control - convoys and autopilot
Kolonnenfahrt und Autopilot - 3D-Modellbahn Studio V6




  • 4 Wochen später...
On 1/4/2021 at 1:13 PM, Goetz said:

For train traffic, I can't think of a good use (yet)
But for road traffic, it's a powerful new feature.

Activate that option, if you want a car to follow the car in front.

Say you stop a car at a traffic light: if the cars behind have the Minus option activeated (like on your screenshot), they will also stop and at a respectful distance. Now, when your traffic light changes and you set the car in front in motion, you may want the cars behind to follow. And that's what the Plus option is for.

It's a bit tricky to use, because you'll need to turn it off and on, depending on the current situation.
The first car at the traffic light must have it off, or else it will follow the cars crossing.#

This is a fine example from Brummi:


and here's a moce complex example layout:  
Content-ID    81A75E39-DCC6-4212-BB42-FDBEFDE15C36


Thanks for sharing the layout  81A75E39-DCC6-4212-BB42-FDBEFDE15C36 , or Crossroads. 
It was a great help.
And there are also impressive idea's to study : virtual garage and shadow station. 
Kind regards,

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