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Hi everyone

Now this might be a daft question but I hope someone out there has a simple solution. In V6 there is the really useful facility as shown in the title to this enquiry. What I would like to know is can this be turned on and off through EM. At the moment if I reverse a car into a garage it stops too soon, before the contact. The same happens if a vehicle reverses up to a wall. I would therefore like to be able to incorporate turning this aspect off when undertaking such operations and then turn it back on as the vehicle leaves the garage. I've looked through the various elements of EM but cannot see anything that points to being able to do this. There is the ability to enable or disable coupling but that is quite different.



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 8 Minuten schrieb 220hotwheels:

can this be turned on and off through EM.

It's a property named "Automatic deceleration":



Bearbeitet von Goetz

That's brilliant, many thanks Goetz. Clearly I hadn't delved deep enough in order to find the solution. I've been noting some of your answers to other questions asked on the forum. You are clearly someone with an immense knowledge of this hobby which is most fortunate for those like me.



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