220hotwheels Geschrieben 29. Juni 2021 Geschrieben 29. Juni 2021 Hi All I may well be hoping to take realism just a bit too far but seeing a ship float across the surface of water without creating either a bow wave of wake just doesn't look right somehow. Has anyone got a solution to this problem or does anyone know if it is even possible to create such an effect. Steam trains without smoke don't look right so I'm hoping that there is some clever member out there with a solution for boats. I've tried creating a sort of wake using Brunnenwasser but it's not very realistic and I wouldn't know where to start trying to control such an effect for different speeds. All suggestions would be most welcome, short of using a torpedo!!! Pete
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Not sure if this will work, but you could try using particle effects for the wake, and the bow wave use a couple of cones. I'll give it a try and see.
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Yep, that seems to work quite well... I'm pretty sure it would be possible to do fancy stuff like turn off the particle effect wake and make the bow waves invisible when the ship stops, and possibly even increase the size of them if the ship goes faster...
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Here is a draft version of the above. 6D391538-0DBE-49A6-975B-F46FD89BE95A
220hotwheels Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Autor Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Hi Simon Your solution is great. Many thanks for taking the trouble to come up with this solution. It may seem like a daft request but how do I open your draft version. Clearly I'm not used to undertaking such tasks. Yet another learning curve required. I also had a very similar solution sent to me by a very good friend and member, but in *.mbp format, who has become rather disillusioned, shall I say, with some elements of the forum but who is still clearly maintaining an interest in finding solutions. The solution that he has sent me is quite brilliant. I haven't yet installed it into my layout, it takes me a while to work through his quite intricate EM but he has produced a rolling bow wave as well as a stern wake which is EM controlled. Once I have been able to master this and hopefully incorporated some of your solution I will seek his permission to post the results for the benefit of all. I have to say that some of his ideas are really great. His solution to helicopter take off and landing are genius and very realistic. It is largely down to his guidance that I have managed to get thus far with much of my layout although variables, and many other elements of EM work for me are still very much in their infancy. Like yours and Goetz advice with carriage door opening and closing I pick suggestions up and thus learn a bit more. Pete Pete
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 In the initial screen of 3DTS, double click on "Online Catalogue", then copy the hex string from my post and paste it into the box with "Search Term/Content ID" in. Press return and it should bring up the thumbnail.
220hotwheels Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Autor Geschrieben 3. Juli 2021 Brilliant. I'll give that a try and let you know how I get on. Once again many thanks for taking the trouble to come up with a solution. Pete
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