simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 26. Juli 2021 Geschrieben 26. Juli 2021 There isn't one - not that I can find anyway. Oh there's one with an arrow pointing to the side, one with a cyclist or pedestrian, but not one with a plane green light. So I made my own! It's the red and yellow one. I tried putting a blue filter but you get yellow light by mixing red and green. Adding blue actually gave me off-white! So I coloured the filter a nice bright green and added the glow. The filter is a circular primitive 1.4mm in diameter positioned just in front of the yellow lens. The texture on it is "Riffelblech" or "Checker Plate" which is a pretty close match to that on the red light. Come on, no-one's going to look at it that closely! And finally there's the matter of making the light go on and off when the yellow light behind it does... My question is: is there a way of saving this along with it's code so that I can easily use it elsewhere?
Goetz Geschrieben 26. Juli 2021 Geschrieben 26. Juli 2021 Hello Simon, vor 42 Minuten schrieb simonjackson1964: is there a way of saving this along with it's code You may save (and import) it as a simple layout, containing nothing but the traffic light and the code. No baseplate! Greets Goetz
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 26. Juli 2021 Autor Geschrieben 26. Juli 2021 (bearbeitet) Thanks Goetz. I didn't know you could do that! How? I have managed to export the layout as a .mbp file but cannot see any way of importing it into anther layout. I managed to export it as a .mbe file, which I can import, but it didn't save the functionality. I'm clearly missing something. Found it! Paste From > Layout Bearbeitet 26. Juli 2021 von simonjackson1964 Found the answer myself!
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 26. Juli 2021 Autor Geschrieben 26. Juli 2021 Saved to the catalogue as 41BABA4C-368F-42EE-9C3D-60E50EE2D66A in case anyone else wants to use it
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