Herman Geschrieben 20. August 2021 Geschrieben 20. August 2021 Hello members, Some help please. I'm just working manual to see how this specific model behaves. I can use the crane symbol but nothing happens. I can use this animation but cannot lift a pallet. I have no problem using this nexr Gabelstapler, all works fine. Some explanation how the first one works... Thanks already, Kind regards, Herman
hubert.visschedijk Geschrieben 20. August 2021 Geschrieben 20. August 2021 Herman , i have tried.... nada Only the second one, but i dont think that was the intention to be.. Only @fmkberlin to analise and resolve if possible. Kind regards.
Herman Geschrieben 20. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 20. August 2021 Hello Hubert, Thank you. I thought I did something wrong in using this model, because the other model works fine. Maybe the maker of the model fmkberlin can resolve this ? Kind regards, Herman
Herman Geschrieben 22. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 22. August 2021 Hello everybody, Hubert gave already an answer in "V6 models from fmkberlin" And I thank him for that. Because it's a fine model a wrote this afternoon a little EV that works. You can find the mpb attached there if you want. Many greetings, Herman
Herman Geschrieben 22. August 2021 Autor Geschrieben 22. August 2021 24 minutes ago, Herman said: Hubert gave already an answer I'm sorry, distracted .... the answer came from Frank ( fmkberlin ). Grtz, Herman
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