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Finding the target ( street traffic )


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Hello, is there in the EV a possibility to find the target of a vehicle (*) ( or I overlooked it again but)  ( because it was released random, and after setting another target I want to find the original target again). Or a workaround ? Kind regards, Herman
( the studio shows the name of the target track contact if the mouse is on the target symbol, you can delete it, finding that "end" track contact as new target is enough for me )

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Hi Herman,

each vehicle has a target property, which can be accessed by Lua. The target property is currently not available by the graphical EV, because a target is either a single track contact or a list of track contacts, and this combination is not supported by the graphical EV.

So if you don't want to switch to Lua, then save the target on your own in a variable.

Kind regards,


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Hello for for those interested,  für Interessierte 

-- keep the target in a variable 
-- behalte das Ziel in einer Variablen
vehicle.variables["#AU target"] = vehicle.target
-- test
print( vehicle.target.name )
-- end test

Kind regards, Herman

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