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Hello, For some reason I want that always the same certain  of vehicles is on a street circuit.
I did this by putting them in a depot via a track contact. After some seconds a random vehicle leaves the depot.


Test Depot.mbpFetching info...

In the example we start with 6 vehicles. We are not patient and choose 4x speed.
After a while there will be 5 vehicles on the circuit. If you wait even longer 4 vehicles .... ( Stop and look at the pending deferring actions )
Please some help.  I tried to make the EV and circuit as simple as possible to find out what was happening... 
Kind regards, Herman

  Am 4.11.2021 um 18:46 schrieb Herman:

Please some help.


The "send from depot" command is only executed when there is sufficient room on front of the depot.
The bus, which is longer than other cars, upsets your pattern. Occasionally it causes "send from depot" commands to be skipped.

  Am 4.11.2021 um 18:53 schrieb Goetz:

Occasionally it causes "send from depot" commands to be skipped


Hello Goetz, thank you. I also noticed that before and more when I used random seconds. ( A pity that the analyser does not give that error, manually I discovered it too )
In this case it is always 4 seconds, so I thought that was enough time to give space even for the bus.  But probably that's not ok ?

An hint how I can use something simular to keep an exact number of random vehicles on a circuit.  And if they come at random seconds the better. 
Thanks, Herman
( A time ago I went to Lua to see if a depot has vehicles in it before releasing, it seems the EV does that now ?)



Hello Herman,

  Am 4.11.2021 um 19:02 schrieb Herman:

But probably that's not ok ?


When the bus enters the depot, it's the front of the bus that counts. But when it leaves, the rear of that bus is placed at the depot's door.
So ... in and out ain't the same. This makes a bus journey from end to end shorter than a car journey.
Also: When the bus exits, while two cars enter on the other side in quick succession, one of the two triggers may get lost.

I can't tell you for sure the precise sequence of events that leads to a lost command. I didn't take the time to observe with the required scrutiny.

But you can. Start a screen recorder. Make sure the event protocol is recorded with the action. And go through the film frame by frame afterwards to find the exact condition where the number of cars on the road changes. 

Kind regards


Hello Goetz , 

Just feedback. It was not such a good idea to let a track contact event  decide when the vehicles comes out of the depot.
I went back to the solution track contact -> go to the depot.   Timer -> go out of the depot. It is sufficient enough for my wanted solution. 
But thank you, I learned again, 
Kind regards, Herman

  Am 4.11.2021 um 19:02 schrieb Herman:

( A time ago I went to Lua to see if a depot has vehicles in it before releasing, it seems the EV does that now ?)


Hello Neo , Thanks for changing *, I did notice this since some days. Indeed the EV is testing it now, the EV releases from the depot only if it is not empty. 
Kind regards, Herman

(* old version probably the first pre release )

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